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The Teachers

The Essential Material is a profound, deliberate, and magical teaching designed by The Teachers that includes everything the Inner Mind needs to awaken into mediumship and align to wellness. Today, you can access teaching and guidance from The Teachers by any of the Membership options, Private Appointments, Livestream Classes, Self-Paced Courses, and a variety of Workshops.

The Teachers are revolutionizing how mediumship is being taught by infusing
The Essential Material into every class and workshop so your learning is complete.
They guide you, they teach you, they love you, and they accelerate your development.

Carol Collins channels The Teachers

"Is our Knowing of what the world needs to know to live lives that are abundant, enriched, filled with joyful expectation and the receiving of it. We want the world and all our dear followers to know we love you, we love the world. We are real. We are love. We are wanting you to learn from us and leave the world's view behind you in favor of Truth. This aids you and your Higher Self. You are not here to judge yourself or others, you are here to live fully, yet live alongside your Guide, your Coach if you prefer that term and we DO. It is in this partnership that you learn who you really are and what you are capable of. The Essential Material is a suite of books and supplemental workshops to help you understand the foundation of human existence and how to be one with us. We teach these things to aid you. Believe that we are who we say we are and your lives will become easy to manage and easy to manifest whatever it is that you are wanting to explore and see and do and have and become. We love you."


We are forever yours - The Teachers


Private Readings and Energy Work
Mediumship Readings

Pillar 1

Carol Collins is America's Medium
The Essential Material through America's Medium
Mediumship Readings

The starting point for understanding who your Guide is, who your nonphysical self is and why you are having a physical life experience. Dimensional Reality exploration.

The Essential Material through America's Medium
Mediumship Readings

Otherwise known as law of attraction, deliberate creation, verbal therapy, and using the power of thought energy to manifest your life, on purpose. Thoughts create your reality.

The Essential Material through America's Medium
Mediumship Readings

Moving Source Frequency within The Grid to clear unconscious beliefs that delay your ability to connect with your Guide team and manifest a life of abundance.

The Essential Material through America's Medium
Mediumship Readings

Combination of verbal and vibrational instruction to open the mind to receive, increase clarity in that receiving, and accuracy for what is being conveyed to you.

Image by Olga Thelavart



Powerful Engagement Equals Powerful Transformation

Carol is internationally known for delivery of powerfully accurate readings and attunements. She is swiftly rising to be among the great channelers bringing true, eloquent teaching and guidance from Beyond. 

In 2019 a spontaneous awakening occurred, and Carol was introduced to The Teachers and The Essential Material.


On day one and for several days afterwards, they began their first book and provided personal guidance. They expressed their desire to guide people into healthier living and teaching people the art of pure channeling. 


The experience was life altering.


They have continued to teach about nonphysical life, collective consciousness, manifesting with ease, health and wellness through nonphysical healing, the need for intuitive advancement, and personal guidance on any topic of interest.

The Teachers dictated 11 books in year one alone and have an unending list of new titles to document The Essential Material. So many that they guided Carol to open Synergistic Publishing alongside her channeling. 


Their description of Carol's ability to channel them is "the depth of Edgar Cayce, the substance of Jane Roberts, in the style of Esther Hicks."


Today, and they continue to flow an abundance of information through private sessions, books, video courses, livestream classes, and workshops.


To become a student, consider Platinum Membership. To receive their guidance, consider either Gold or Wellness Membership or a private session.

Carol Collins is America's Medium
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A reading with The Teachers is always pure channeled. They know what you need to know. They give you what they call Structured Guidance - it includes the why, the why not, the options presenting to you, how to get the most out of what you are experiencing, or how to change it.  Their Chakra Attunements provide undeniable evidence of nonphysical help. You will be a believer.

Private Readings and Energy Work
Channeled Medium Carol Collins

Workshops and classes are a great way to receive guidance from The Teachers but sometimes what you are needing is a private conversation. The Teachers are gentle, wise, straightforward, yet compassionate. With pin-pointed accuracy they know what you need to know to bring clarity to your life.


Remove fear and doubt with The Teachers.


All Readings and Chakra Attunements are by zoom using the audio option.


To supplement your readings, consider joining GOLD MEMBERSHIP and receive free, unlimited access to all of the monthly

Our Knowing Workshops and the Archive for replays.

Channeled Medium Carol Collins
Mediumship Readings

Workshops and classes are a great way to receive guidance from The Teachers but sometimes what you are needing is a private conversation. The Teachers are gentle, wise, straightforward, yet compassionate. With pin-pointed accuracy they know what you need to know to bring clarity to your life.

What does pure channeled mean? The Teachers define pure channeled as being highly-qualified to give readings. The Inner Mind no longer feels timid or pressured when asked direct questions and allows the conversation to flow with ease.

What is the difference between channeled, clairvoyant, and psychic readings? Channeled means that the Inner Mind receives from the nonphysical place where your Guide and Loved Ones are. The message is translated and then presented as spoken voice out loud. There is no pause or "second voice" heard in the mind's eye. When channeling is pure it is the most accurate form of conveyance. Clairvoyant is what The Teachers call Ocularity and it is when the conversation is received and translated but presented in the mind's eye as thinking and must be spoken out loud by choice. Psychic is tuning into your energy to seek evidential information from your past and present. These readings are not recommended by The Teachers because they do not contain guidance only memories.

What kind of questions can I ask during a reading and how can I prepare for getting one? The Teachers, your Guide, Loved Ones, or any person of interest to you can be included in a reading. They are available to guide you on anything that is of interest to you. They welcome your belief, your curiosity, your desire to know more. There is no question that they will not address.

How can I develop my own mediumship abilities? Is this something that anyone can do? The nature of human physical life is described in detail in The Essential Material and that every person has within them the ability to communicate with their Guide and others in the nonphysical place. Unfoldment Into Channeling is continuing education designed by The Teachers to bring out your ability to receive "clean, clear, and accurate." Platinum Membership is recommended because of the comprehensive benefits and cost savings.

What is the difference between a reading and Chakra Attunement? A reading is a conversation with The Teachers and others that provide a wealth of guidance, options are presented along with recommendations and valuable details. Chakra Attunements are a type of reading where The Teachers and others provide healing to your thoughts, emotions, physical body and your life in general. Nonphysical energy aligns with the Chakra System which is the foundation for healing.

"The Teachers have given me a sense of peace and calm in every reading with them. Everything they said was accurate. My situation seemed bleak until we spoke. I have marching orders from The Teachers and believe me, I know what following them can do!"


~ Melissa

Carol Collins is America's Medium

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Channeled Medium Carol Collins

© 2023 Carol Collins - Channel for The Teachers and America's Medium



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