Unfoldment - Session 4 (2024)
Oct through Dec - FREE with Platinum Membership
Available spots
Service Description
YOU HAVE SELECTED SESSION 4 - UNFOLDMENT INTO CHANNELING (2024) Deepen your understanding Pillar Four concepts with a weekly 90-min session with The Teachers that includes teaching and Q&A. Class sessions are held every Monday from 7-8:30pm EST on Zoom Designed by The Teachers to increase your ability to receive, clarity in that receiving, and accuracy on what your Guide is conveying to you. The Essential Material's Four Pillars of Learning are weaved into discussion to awaken the Inner Mind to what it knows how to do - translate vibrational conveyance and enhance your accuracy and build breadth and depth in your receiving. Sample concepts taught are: Nonphysical Guides and Healing Teams The Nonphysical Self The mechanics of the Quantum Field and Quantum Body Conscious Reality Aspect Reality Multi-dimensional Reality The Grid Structure Law of Attraction and Law of Creating Psychic Nature of the Mind Partnering with your Nonphysical Teacher Rhythm of the Body Meditation Barrier to receiving Strengthening the communication to manifest accuracy The role of a medium Types of readings and how to prepare the mind for them Classes are scheduled in 12-week sessions and are designed as continuous education, in a time-released learning environment. Session 1 - January thru March Session 2 - April thru June Session 3 - July thru September Session 4 - October thru December Cost for the 90-minute series is $350 or, included with Mastery Membership
Contact Details
Alexandria, VA, USA