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The Classes

Classes are always channeled conversation directly from The Teachers. Pure channeled classes allow you to have unfettered guidance which not only accelerates your learning but improves your accuracy. Private readings and attunements are always available as a compliment to your learning. 

Livestream weekly classes are held on Monday and Tuesday evenings (USA EST) in 12-week sessions. Designed as ongoing, continuous education not a recurring 12-week program. PLATINUM Membership is available and offers unlimited access to these classes and more at 60% off individual prices.

Self-Paced pre-recorded video lessons with The Teachers on a variety of topics that align to The Essential Material - The Four Pillars of Learning.

No matter which method you choose, their teaching will amaze you and your development is absolute.

Schedule a READING


Welcome Letter from The Teachers

Welcome to what will be known as The Jeshua Center for Intuitive Advancement. We are The Teachers, and we teach all courses, lectures, workshops, as well as the ones you speak with in private sessions. All conversations flow through the channel, Carol Collins. She is partnered with us in a way that we are wanting for all of you. Quieted became supple. We teach you what that means, why your Higher Self desires it, why your life desires it, and why your Guide desires it.


We have so many things to teach the world. We do teach through people. We are a collective of nonphysical beings that have formed together and named ourselves The Teachers. It is an easy way for you, dear ones, to understand that there are many of us, far more of us than you can imagine in any session, private or otherwise.


We teach you many different topics that align themselves to one thing - how to channel. Whether you channel is up to you. We teach you topics to create synergy and trust within the mind, the subconscious mind. When the subconscious mind, your egoic self, is supple you receive verbal guidance on where to go, when to go, and more.


Life is, period. Your Guide is, period. You are hand-in-hand with that Being the entire life span that you are here in the physical world, but you also create your own reality. Law of attraction, thoughts create things, deliberate creation, you are what you think about - they are all synonyms for the egoic, dominant aspect of physical life.


We bring you new information. We combine four pillars of learning: who we are, who you are and why you are physical human being; thoughts and how they manifest who you become; the chakra system and how to self-heal; and Unfoldment exercises to create a clean, clear, accurate connection with your Guide. If you have found these teachings, you have been guided to it. Peruse the courses offered, and as you do know that we, The Teachers, and your Guide are aware of you the entire time. If a course jumps off the page say these words, "That's the one" and let it be the way that you choose what to take, when to take every time.


We never stop teaching. We never stop teaching. We never stop teaching. We love you so much and we look forward to having you hear us, verbally by means of channeled construction. 


Love, The Teachers



Live-Virtual Classes

Self-Paced Courses

"There is always a plan for you, for your learning, for your advancement, for your ACCURACY in communicating with us, your guide, your loved ones, and those that are watching over your life. We have an interest in your development. Your accuracy creates the difference between knowing what we are saying and assuming. Knowing is what we are  wanting for you."


~ The Teachers

Sign up for announcements and upcoming events

Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey with The Teachers!

"I hesitated to take classes. I didn't think mediumship was something I would be good at. I am excelling with The Teachers. I have Symbols that I use daily and their method of self-validation is eye opening. I'm in it for the long haul!"

~ Jean

"Behavioral science and medical science needs to learn what The Teachers have to say. They push boundaries of thought on how the body works, how the mistakes of the past show up in the present. Handhold technique for removing a migraine are amazing. Works every single time. I'm a believer!"

~ Jane

"Attunements have altered the way I go about my day. I no longer worry, I stopped shying away from people, I feel like I have confidence that suddenly showed up. Their teaching of The Grid just makes sense!"

~ McKenzie

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